So, I was going to post earlier, but due to technical difficulties I was unable to post a picture I wanted to post. So, I am going to try again, but if it doesn't work then oh well.
So anyway, last week Theresa, Emily, Emily's brother (Bill) and I went apple picking. Great fun. We still have lots of apples. I don't really remember if there was anything else I wanted to say. The picture I was going to post was of a tree with apples in it (so Justin and Natalie could look longingly at Michigan apples).
Anyway, Tuesday was a good day. My supervisor was sick, so I got the day off too! I began the day having breakfast with Theresa at her office hours for Sigma Tau Delta. I don't really know why they have office hours, but I got to eat breakfast with Theresa because of them, so that's cool. Then I spent the remainder of the day looking for (new) flights to Boston in November, and working on my thesis.
The flights for Boston are (new) because we had booked flights in March, and then Spirit airlines decided that they were no longer flying from Detroit to Boston, and so they 'graciously' gave us our money back. Needless to say I was less than pleased. I was raving mad. I called, emailed, wrote them letters, and did not receive a response. Therefore, I am being true to my word: I cannot recommend Spirit Airlines for your travel plans, they are unable to guarantee the flight you book will be there, and they apparently are not willing to make adequate compensation (find another flight for you on another airline). So, never fly Spirit Airlines.
So anyway, I found a flight on Northwest, but we are flying into Providence, RI and then taking the train up to Boston. This was cheaper than flying into Boston. Well, flying from Chicago to Boston was the same price, so either way we will have a 2 hour drive, a 1 hour train ride and a 2-3 hour flight.
That night Diane Rehm (from NPR) spoke at the Bernhard Center. I went and watched her. She made a really good presentation. One of my favorite parts was when my classmate, Colleen, asked her about her life with spasmodic dysphonia (that's the disorder she has that makes her voice sound strained/strangled). Other then that, the primary message of her speech was: listen. People should listen more and talk less.
The rest of the week when by uneventfully. I had a thesis meeting with Dr. Tasko yesterday. We met at Waterstreet Coffee Joint (on Oakland Dr.) and he bought be coffee. It was great. While he was tearing apart my writing (it wasn't that bad) be said that my writing style was better than a lot of my peers (if you're one of my peers, I'm sure he didn't mean you). So, I felt good about my writing, even though it was completely altered. Anyway, we're having another meeting on Monday morning, so I've got a lot of work to do this weekend. I summarized another article, and I've got two more plus the edits we outlines yesterday to finish. It should be a busy day.
Other than that, life is pretty boring. I've got a sinus infection. (my first one in several years). It's not bad. It consists of a runny nose and that 'stuffed head' feeling. There's not much of a headache, and I really hope I don't develop one.
Anyway. I better go - may battery is about to die.
The picture didn't work.