Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My New Hair

So, my new hair has been getting a great host of reactions.  Honestly, I've loved the attention.  The reactions have ranged from "it's terrible" to "you look like Sting" to "just add some red and you'll be all ready for Christmas" to "Bryan, what did you do?!?"

Virtually all of the blue has washed out, so now I have blond hair with a little bit of green tint to the fo-hawk.  My original hair color has begun to grow, adding some depth to the blond.  Soon enough my hair will look like I frosted it - like how having frosted hair was really really cool in high school.  You know, all be guys bleached their hair a month before spring break so they could get a hair cut just before and then go down to Florida and cruise the beaches with "frosted" or "tipped" hair.  I never went anywhere for spring break, so I never dyed my hair.  

In other news, school is done for the semester.  So, during the break I am reading fiction and working on my thesis.  So far I have read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khalid Husseini - great book. I highly suggest it.  And I have begun a new science fiction/fantasy series - A song of Ice and Fire.  I'm 3/4 of the way through book 1 - A Game of Thrones.  And I've written a little bit more than a page on the methods of my thesis.  I'm in a break from that right now.  I just can't think that hard for that long.  Besides, I've got a meeting with Dr. Tasko in 40 minutes.  

Anyway, I should begin the process of getting ready to go to school. 


Justin Boyd said...

I have said a great deal of fun things about your hair before so I am not going to repeat myself now. I am happy that you had a fun time and you do look very adventurous.

I have read the fantasy series you are talking about. Not to burst your bubble I feel the need to say a few things.

1. The series is not finished yet and the author takes a long time to write new books.

2. The 4th book is a bit of a drag because after writing most of the the 4th book the author (George R. Martin) decided that it was very confusing. So he split the 4th book into two books and, instead of creating a large series of flashbacks, divides the important characters into two books. The problem is that book 5 is not out yet and book 4 spends 1,000 pages and does not go all that far.

3. Conclusion: It is a fun series and I look forward to will it will end up but the series is scheduled to go to 8 books. Just thought you should know.

Lastly, I want to see hot pictures of you with frosted tips. Hooray for being made in the 80s.

Bristol Crowne said...

If you liked A Thousand Spelndid Suns then you should read The Kite Runner....actually, you should have read The Kiter Runner first.

b squared said...

I did - I read the Kite Runner over the semester break - back in August. (I think, maybe it was in May).