Saturday, August 9, 2008


So - this whole deal is getting to the point of being beyond ridiculous. For those of you who might not know (obviously you either don't live in Michigan or you've had your head in the ground for the past 6 months) but, the illustrious city of Detroit has a mayor (Kwame Kilpatrick) who has been indicted with many felony charges which include (but are not limited to) perjury, and most recently assault. All of this over some text messages which indicate that he lied about having an affair with his top aide during a whistle-blower trial.

Granted, the real issue *may* not be about the affair, but instead about the fact that several police officers lost their jobs because they uncovered the affair. But honestly - this has gone far enough. It has been blown COMPLETELY out of proportion. Previous to this incident, Detroit's image was already marred due to the sagging economy, failing automotive industry, the stereotype of rampant crime throughout the city and it's pattern of urban sprawl. Does it really need another blemish on it's already scar-encrusted face? And if the simple fact that the mayor and the city officials are in a heated hissy-fit wasn't enough, we now have the attorney general heaping on more felony charges. THIS IS NOT SOLVING ANYTHING!

Kwame needs to step down, and the city and state officials need to stop making such a big fuss! This brouhaha is not helpful for either the city of Detroit nor the state of Michigan. We are fighting enough battles that are out of our control - the failing state economy, the tanking federal economy, the failure of the auto industry, the abysmal performance of some public schools. We need not fight amongst ourselves, but instead work together to promote and rebuild Michigan and Detroit. Michigan has a lot to offer, Detroit could be a shining beacon of Michigan and the country - let us stop stabbing each other in the back and work together.

Ok - I'm done with my political rant for the month.

In other news ...

I had a phone interview with a VA Hospital in Long Beach, CA (did I mention that, I don't remember). And I'm going to be talking with a long-term care facility in Tacoma, WA. I also had a phone interview with a private practice in Arizona ... I'm not sure this is exactly what I'm looking for (but the salary is really nice). So - there are options available to me. I just have to decide which one. The best job is the VA hospital in Long Beach, CA. I am hopeful for that job.

Time will tell.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I know this is an old post, but I haven't read your blog in a while. I just wanted to say that I understand where you're coming from when you say that things were blown out of proportion with Kwame, but I disagree with what you said about it being a bad idea for city and state officials to keep bringing charges. The man committed multiple crimes and shouldn't be allowed to run around without punishment that any other person would receive. He obviously wasn't going to step down (or should I say 'didn't step down' until the threat was big enough and he was forced into it. They needed to take as much action as was necessary to knock some freaking sense into that asshole. Anyway, it's over with by now so maybe this is all a moot point, but I just freaking hate that guy and I think he deserves everything he got and more. Ha ha, uplifting huh? Love, Colleen