Monday, January 5, 2009

When it Rains it Pours

And then the heavens open up and dump a veritable monsoon on top of my head.

Seattle is getting *ahem* more snow. I'm sick of this!

Tonight I was having dinner with some friends. And when I go to leave my friend's house there was a note on my car saying that a rather large vehicle had ran into my car and then subsequently run off without leaving any information. Thankfully, the observers were able to obtain the vehicle's license plate number. Oh JOY! More dealing with insurance companies, and my car is assuredly totaled now. I will *not* be purchasing a nice car. I might even continue to drive my car, broken truck, dented-in rear drivers side door until it falls apart. Ironically, this was the same door that struck the pole way back in January 2004. Great. At this rate it's not worth purchasing a valuable piece of property.

I'm ready for my good luck to start. My bad luck has just about run it's course. Three times over.


mindbender said...

On the other hand though, you've owned that car longer than any of us have owned a car. And I do pretty well.

Brent, well, he's in a class all his own.

Smells Like Apples said...

You should look on the bright side:

You are still alive.
Being without a crappy car has made you walk more, which in turn, has made you lose weight.
That means you can buy more clothes. And don't lie, I know how much you like doing that.
Even though the ass who hit your car didn't leave a note, someone else did.
We're friends still.
Puppies are now and always will be cute.
You freakin' live in freakin' Seattle.
Snow makes hot chocolate taste that much better.