Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dusting off the old Writing Skills

So, my writing hat has sat unadorned for quite a while.  I'm beginning my statement of purpose for applying to the University of Iowa and I'm feeling quite a bit rusty.   It's hard work.  I might share some of it later.  We'll see how it turns out. 

And I have sad news: the perpetual buzz cut is on it's way.  My hair is just too thin on top to justify keeping it as long as I do :( and I'd rather be bald by choice than hanging on by a few wisps. Getting old is no fun.

Other tid bits of information worth knowing:

 - the VA hospital in Seattle is looking for a speech pathologist.  I'm thinking about applying.
 - I'm also thinking about doing some cold calls to area hospitals.  According to the other speech pathologist at work Seattle Children's Hospital has a waiting list for evaluations. So, they may be looking for some per diem speech pathologists. 
 - Justin and Natalie are coming to visit me in October.  I'm very excited.
 - my other stuttering speech pathologist friend has moved to Nebraska to begin his PhD ... I'm all alone again (not really).
 - I'm just waiting for the paperwork to be turned in and processed and then I am a bona fide speech-language pathologist!!!! I'll be a CCC-SLP!!! (no longer CF-SLP)
 - That's about it

1 comment:

mindbender said...

At least you know roughly what you'll look like bald.