Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Awaited, Long Over-due Update of Bryan's Life

Ok ... so I've made a decision.

I still have not heard from all of the places I interviewed at (the one remaining is the private practice in Seattle).  Anyway.  Nevertheless, I have made a decision.  But before I get to that you all need some context.

First, it looks like California is going to be a bust.  Although I got an offer at the autism clinic I am not going to accept it because I have fundamental problems with their ideational philosophy of therapy.  Basically - they believe that by shaping simple behavior with small reinforcers (candy, verbal praise) they can shape complex behavior and ultimately cognition.  I think that the human brain is much more complex and what is really going on is they are shaping the students to be ... well, well-trained.  So, I do not think that I should go there.  Then, the hospital in San Mateo went with another candidate.  And finally, I withdrew my application at the third place (long story - basically they didn't want to hire me because of my stutter [illegal, I know, but if this is how they're going to be I don't want to work for them anyway, so there's no point in pursuing legal action].  There's a lot more to the story, maybe I'll recount it in a later entry).  So - that sums up California.  California = bust.  Which - that's sad because I really liked the weather.

So, in Seattle.  I have an offer at the public school system and I'm waiting to hear from the private practice.  The school system might work - but I'm not excited about that either.  Besides there are lots of hoops to jump through - finger prints, sending transcripts, etc.  And it's not what I really want to be doing anyway. So ... this is the decision I've come to:

I'm moving to Seattle regardless of whether I get the private practice job or not.  If I do not get the job then I will work at a nursing home for a while until something better comes along.  It's not an ideal job, but I'll make more money that I would in the schools and I'll feel better about leaving in the middle of the year if something better comes along.

So I'm sure there are a number of questions.  For instance, why Seattle?  Well - because I absolutely LOVED it out there.  It was amazing.  There was enough to do, the people were friendly, there is city, mountains, water, wilderness all within an hour drive.  Plus - it's just a super cool city.  And if I'm not going to get my ideal job I'd rather be in an ideal place with a less than ideal job than a less than ideal place with a less than ideal job.  

Next - why nursing home over school?  It's not ideal, but it gets me medical speech pathology experience and higher pay.  The road to unhappiness is paved with gold, this I realize.  But if something better comes along mid year I want to feel okay with leaving.  And nursing homes can better afford to contract out.  Plus, I'll be working with a contract company, so they will provide a housing stipend for me.  Along with more continuing education money, a sign-on bonus and moving expenses.

Anyway - I don't have a job yet ... and I will not be moving until I have a job.  So, I need to get cracking.

So, that sums up my life so far.  YAY for Seattle! 

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