Monday, June 23, 2008

The Emerald City

So I’m in a park in Downtown Seattle (in fact I’m in drinking some of “Seattle’s Best Coffee."  So - let me recap so that this minute detail is not missed - I'm online in a city park in downtown Seattle - online for free!  

My initial thought is that Seattle is a better fit for me that San Francisco (city wide free wifi - well - it's a pilot program).  The temperature is amazing – hovering right below 60.  Warm enough to be outside, but no where near the sweltering heat that Sacramento was.  The sky is gray, but the sun is trying to poke through.  Seattle makes up for the lack of color with lots and lots of plants, and colorful sidewalks (I’m looking out at some red, charcoal and gray patterns in the sidewalks.  

Meanwhile, the way the people are dressed does not make me feel like I stand out as much as I did in San Francisco.  They are all dressed preppy – like I want to dress.  I passed a Banana Republic Men store on my way here – mental note.  And really – with some notable exceptions, Seattle looks like a Banana Republic catalogue.  Ooh, wait, I just saw a mullet.  HOLY COW, I JUST SAW A MAN WITH SOME TYPE OF SPASTICITY IN HIS FACE AND (AT LEAST) LEFT ARM WHEEL PAST, WITH A BLUE DYNAVOX SERIES 5 STRAPPED TO HIS WHEEL CHAIR (for those of you who don’t know what a Dynavox is, these are the machines that can produce speech for people – I worked a lot with these machines at my school internship).  Too cool! I love Seattle, and I’ve been here less than 2 hours!  I’ve met an Australian family who is traveling to Vancouver to watch their son compete in the world Lacrosse Series. 

I must admit that the reason I find myself already liking Seattle is that I am actually in Seattle, whereas I wasn’t able to spend that much time in San Francisco itself.  So, I’m not sure that’s neither here nor there, but just a fact. 

Anyway, time to begin making my way to my interview.

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