Monday, June 23, 2008

Too Bad I Don't Know Any Fun Phrases Mentioning Sacramento

So, I'm at the airport leaving Sacramento.  Ben and Crystal (by brother and sister-in-law) just dropped me off.  While driving to the airport I was struck by the haze that was filling the central valley from the numerous wild fires in the surrounding area.  Crystal said she even smelled smoke while walking Jo Dee (their miniature schnauzer).

The topography of the central valley is not as exciting as that of the San Francisco Bay, with one notable exception.  While driving west on US-50 there is a hill that upon cresting one can view the entire California Central Valley.  It's pretty cool.  

Not far from that hill is a park with a peculiar name: Negro Bar.  That's right, I typed it correctly.  One must be careful not to place the definite article in front of the name because then it become completely, totally politically insensitive ('the' negro bar).  Ben and Crystal mentioned that there is a battle to rename the park.  However, some people want to maintain the historical name, while others want a more politically correct name.  Ben mentioned that they may have come to a compromise on "The Historic Negro Bar."  I say either way it's six of one half dozen of another.  

Anyway.  I had a great time in Folsom.  We walked around downtown historic Folsom, ate at the Squeeze Inn (incredibly small cheese burger joint - has seating for 11), went bowling, and a host of other stuff.  I watched Shawn of the Dean with them (first time seeing that movie - hilarious).  Anyway.  I think I should get ready to go to Seattle.  I'm excited, but a little sad, because going to Seattle means that my Out West Extravaganza is more than half over.  I still have four days - it's going to be great!

i just saw a jet take off. Kinda fun.  It was small, black and very angular looking.  Don't know that it's really that cool, but I thought I'd mention it.

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