Friday, June 27, 2008


So, I'm back.  I'm at my usual haunt - Waterstreet.  However, today I am not enjoying my typical dark roast coffee, instead I am enjoying "Iced Coffee with a BANG!"  Basically, a really cold and really strong Americano.  Anyway.  So, I've been back for a little over 8 hours and I miss the west coast already.  While leaving Midway airport in Chicago walking outside was like walking into a brick wall - you don't realize how much you don't miss humidity until you don't have it for a while and then are suddenly pushed into an atmosphere that's more water vapor than air - gross.  It's before noon and my clothes are already sticking to me.  So I'm left wondering ... why don't we all live on the west coast?

Anyway.  My Out West Extravaganza has officially come to a close.  Now is the time I enjoy my last summer vacation and read lots of books and wait for the job offers to roll in.  (here's to hoping). 

On the whole it's hard to say whether I liked the bay area or Seattle better.  Both have their advantages and disadvantages.  The bay area has beautiful summer weather ... my friend just walked in, I'm going to hang out ... I'll finish this later

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